This past weekend, the oldest a cappella group on Washington University’s campus celebrated its 30th anniversary with bagpipes, 50 Cent melodies and fireworks greeting viewers at the exit of Jammin’ Toast, The Pikers’ biggest concert of the year.
Warning: This article contains spoilers. “The cold never bothered me anyway” is certainly not the sentiment among students walking around in 5-degree weather, yet the words of Queen Elsa in Disney’s newest animated movie, “Frozen,” have certainly struck a chord in the hearts and minds of the student body.
“It’s like chicken noodle soup,” Ben Kiel said about The New Yorker magazine. “You can’t mess with the fundamentals. But you can tweak the recipe a little.
Many view college as the place you learn how to change the world around you—a place to learn skills for the “real” world to take with you once you graduate. However, people often fail to see the opportunities available to make a change in their environment now.
I’ll take remarkable Washington University students for $400. Clue: Name a Wash. U. sophomore who recently competed on “Jeopardy.” Answer: Who is Nishanth Uli? Student Life: Congratulations again! How does one go about getting on “Jeopardy”?
Home of writers such as Maya Angelou, T.S. Eliot and Mark Twain, musicians such as Chuck Berry, Miles Davis and Scott Joplin, and actors such as Jon Hamm, Ellie Kemper and John Goodman, St. Louis is a birthplace of inspiration. To honor these cultural celebrities, the St.
“There are very few moments in your life when you can have backup dancers. I thought I’d take advantage of this opportunity,” Mamatha Challa, the first female winner of Mr. Wash. U., said.
Only one year after its pilot program, the Rube Goldberg Club attended and won the Rube Goldberg Machine Contest—the national championship of Rube Goldberg machine-building—last weekend. Student Life sat down with the club’s leaders, sophomores Amy Patterson and Grace Kuo, to hear about their experiences, struggles and accomplishments as a team.
Students from the Earth and Planetary Sciences department explore rock formations in the northern Scottish Highlands during spring break. The trip, subsidized by a gift given on behalf of an […]
Washington University is filled with students from various locations and socioeconomic backgrounds and with diverse religions, political views and more. But one thing binds us all together: a desire to learn from each other, gain new perspectives and realize that change is not only possible but also something to be embraced.
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