At a welcome reception on Thursday, Washington University’s Community Service Office welcomed a new member to the team whom the office hopes will become an invaluable resource for student groups and individuals. Lu Oros brings nearly 15 years of experience working with hunger and homelessness to the Community Service Office.
As any loyal Student Life reader may have noticed, an article was published in last week’s Forum section discussing Washington University’s recent ranking as the 13th most stressful school in America, according to The Daily Beast. It’s easy to take this ranking at face value, but let’s see what fellow Wash. U. students and students from other top-ranked schools have to say about their respective positions on this list.
While you may have spent your spring break catching up on homework or watching TV, 14 freshmen in professor Joseph Schraibman’s FOCUS class Stranger than Paradise: Cuban Experiences of Revolution spent their break in Cuba.
Freshman Jordan Wagner will be the featured survivor speaker at Washington University’s Relay For Life.
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