Kate Gallagher

Contact | 8 articles

Stepping Out: The Dubliner

I knew we were approaching The Dubliner when I saw a huge Irish flag draped across a brick façade and an outdoor patio where patrons were downing pints of Guinness. The Dubliner is a gastropub, which, according to the Oxford English Dictionary (please excuse me, I’m an English major) means that it is “a public house which specializes in serving high-quality food.

| Scene Reporter

Stepping Out: Canyon Cafe

While sitting in a lively restaurant and staring at a beautiful landscape painting, I asked my friend, “Is that the Grand Canyon?” She looked at me like I was an idiot. Oh wait, stupid question. I was sitting at Canyon Cafe.

| Scene Stepping Out Columnist

Stepping Out: Bobo Noodle House

Bobo Noodle House is the perfect solution for the hungry Washington University student who is in the mood for a special meal but not willing to brave the cold for too long.

| Stepping Out Columnist

Stepping Out: The Drunken Fish

Red- and black-colored walls and dim lighting provided by small candles on the hardwood tables added to the sleek and stylish feel, while the friendly waitstaff accentuated the restaurant’s pleasant vibe. The Drunken Fish has an extensive, almost overwhelming menu, with plenty of sushi options, as well as dinner dishes, desserts and cocktails.

| Scene Reporter

House of India

Every day from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., House of India holds a lunch buffet. Classic Indian dishes are offered in addition to a few unique ones you may not have tried before.

| Scene Reporter

Katie’s Pizzeria Café

As finals begin to take over our lives, what better way to kick back and relax than to head off campus to enjoy a quality, moderately-priced meal in a warm, comfortable neighborhood café?

| Scene Reporter


What do you think of when you hear the word “pi”? Math majors, engineers and pre-meds may begin to quickly rattle off the digits 3.14159—okay, that’s as far as I remember. Meanwhile, foodies like me will inevitably think of lemon meringue or chocolate silk, or maybe fresh blueberries and pastry crusts. Yet, now when you hear someone say “pi,” be prepared to think outside the box—unless you’re thinking about a box of pizza.

| Scene Reporter

Ibby’s Bistro

It’s time to make that call home. You know—the one where you tell your parents that you got scurvy because you can’t afford to buy fruits at school. If your parents are like mine, they’ll know what you’re getting at, tell you that they know you’re not on a pirate ship and then suggest that you stop buying so many lattes.

| Scene Reporter

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