Forbearance is defined as: patient self-control; restraint and tolerance. Such a lack of forbearance has been demonstrated by those on and off our campus who casually dismiss scientific and medical consensus surrounding the effects of radiation on human health.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) signed a decision to remove radioactive waste from the West Lake Landfill in Bridgeton, Mo., Sept. 27. Seventy percent of the radioactive waste will be removed from the landfill, which is located about 16 miles northwest of the Danforth Campus.
On Wednesday evening, Washington University’s Office of Sustainability hosted an “Environmental JustICE Cream Social.”
As I expected, the ice cream was delicious, and the conversation was engaging.
“If this fails, I’ve failed all these people.” Alison Carrick, Washington University special collections assistant and independent filmmaker, is discussing her most recent work, “The First Secret City,” which she co-directed with investigative journalist C.D. Stelzer.
Green Action will host a panel on Tuesday to discuss efforts set in place to prevent a smoldering underground fire from reaching soil containing WWII-era nuclear waste at the West Lake Landfill in North County.
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