sex issue 2017

2017 sex survey statistics reveal students’ sex habits

The results for Student Life’s 2017 Sex Survey revealed that 76.4 percent of Washington University students have had sex—an increase from last year’s figure of 67.7 percent.

| Senior News Editor

PHOTO GALLERY: Let’s get naked

Student groups stripped down for Student Life’s annual sex issue shoot.

Phi Lambda Psi to accept non-Greek women, expand availability of resources

Non-Greek affiliated women can now apply to join Phi Lambda Psi—a women’s health and wellness honorary devoted to promoting awareness and education and providing a discussion place for women’s health issues. Among the goals of the honorary, the group is hoping to provide pregnancy tests free of cost at more on-campus locations soon.

| Contributing Reporter

We’re up all night to get lucky

Everyone always need recommendations for the best music to nut in the gut to, so without further ado, Student Life presents our stupid sexy playlist.

| Staff Writer

Best and worst sex scenes

Student Life’s Cadenza staff dove into their favorite and least favorite sex scenes from film and TV:

Improve your romantic life by taking your date to a hockey game

Spend money on romantic experiences, specifically the most romantic experience there is: hockey games.

Jon Lewis | Staff Writer

Wilt Chamberlain was a well-traveled man

In his 1991 book “A View From Above,” Wilt Chamberlain made the now famous claim that he had slept with 20,000 different women over the course of his life. The claim is as famous as it is preposterous.

| Senior Sports Editor

‘Dance on my pole’: A collection of unlucky sexual short stories

I came to Washington University expecting a fairly vanilla semester; I am in a committed relationship and this is a school known more for education than getting crazy.

Lauren Alley | Staff Writer

Forum gets real on sexual education

As the Forum staff has found, our backgrounds in sexual education vary greatly, and they deserve to be examined equally. Without further ado, here is Forum’s take on a serious sex issue.

Lauren Alley, Peter Dissinger and Ariel Kravitz

Another year, another sex issue: Why we keep doing it

And then, there’s the running joke that is consistently told to members of Student Life’s staff: that our peers only read one issue per year, and it’s the Sex Issue. So we do it for you guys—our semi-loyal readership.

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