quarantine and isolation

Freshman Flu or COVID-19?

It started as a sore throat that I blamed on my suitemate. She had lost her voice a few days prior, and I feared heading down the same route as I prepped for a cappella auditions. I kept up on my multivitamins, began taking vitamin C, and drank hot water as a way to soothe my throat.

| Contributing Writer

How COVID-19 class policies and accommodations have shifted with the return to in-person learning

Washington University’s policies for COVID-19 accommodations have broadened as in-person learning becomes the norm this semester.

| Contributing Reporter

More like normal, but with masks: What to know from the fall plan

The announcement ushers in the start of a school year that will look more like pre-pandemic college, with predominantly in-person classes and no plans for surveillance testing.

, and | News Editors and Editor-in-Chief

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