With Washington University’s COVID-19 testing policies remaining largely unchanged from the fall semester, parents and students have called for more frequent COVID-19 testing and increased transparency for the spring semester.
Amid rising COVID-19 cases on campus and in the St. Louis region, many students, parents and other community members have expressed their approval of Washington University’s decision to return to its original Thanksgiving travel restrictions.
When I stepped off the flight from Los Angeles to St. Louis and onto the jet bridge, my eyes watered as I saw my sigh literally form into a sad little cloud. I was back in the freezing weather where I had to wear Uggs not because they look cute, but because I don’t want my feet to get frostbitten and subsequently amputated. Outside the airport, everything was white and I was blue.
After countless days of shopping trips, parents will deliver their children to college for the first time. Some families have made a road trip of the trip to campus while others have flown. Over the years, I have participated in many move-in days.
I carry my bags to my new home at Wash. U., set up my room, pack away my clothing and casually throw my depressingly empty bags above my closet. I hug my mother and say goodbye to her in a suitably emotional fashion that doesn’t reveal my excitement at her departure. As I lay on my bed I think about college life, and what is store for the next four years.
My family had two important milestones this weekend. The first was my little brother’s bar mitzvah. For those of you who have somehow spent at least a semester at Wash. U. without learning about this Jewish rite of passage, that means that my 13-year-old brother is now officially considered an adult…at least according to Judaism. Legally, thankfully, still not so much.
A letter to the parents of Washington University students explaining the tuition increase for the 2010-2011 academic year.
When we first start dating someone, we tend to see them as perfect—their bizarre habits become cute little quirks and their personal stories that might otherwise incite a yawn are instantly fascinating. All you want to do is spend every free minute with them, preferably making out. In short, it takes a lot to separate you from this incredible new person.
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