isolation housing

Staff Editorial: WashU’s COVID accommodations are failing students

We understand that WashU, like other universities, is in a difficult spot with limited housing and uncertainty on what the future may hold. However, if the University refuses to make accommodations, the onus falls on students to make them — and it shouldn’t.

COVID Housing Overwhelmed as Cases Spike

This semester saw the highest COVID rates on campus since the pandemic began, which led the University to put students in overflow isolation housing.

and | Junior News Editors

A Thanksgiving in quarantine housing

On Nov. 17, I was contract-traced and placed into quarantine housing in the Knight Center. With my prescribed ten days alone, I knew I was going to be spending Thanksgiving by myself. I had been thinking about it for a while, nervous about how I would handle the holiday without the usual gathering of family and friends.

| Staff Writer

The story of WU’s self-isolation dorms

Sophomore Carly Abramowitz’s stay in quarantine housing was “like a fever dream”: a time filled with attending classes virtually, walking around her room and throwing balls at the wall. Abramowitz was sent to quarantine housing for 14 days after spending time in close contact with friends who ended up testing positive for the virus. Sophomore […]

Julia Robbins | Contributing Writer

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