happy hour

Campus events use Bob’s Liquor due to accessibility

Bob’s Liquor, a brand most students have probably never heard of, is served at Happy Hour and special events such as Bauhaus…While there are actually three suppliers that have clearance to serve alcohol at WashU, the relationship that the University and Bob’s have developed has made it advantageous for them to use the company exclusively.

| Contributing Reporter

Anheuser-Busch tries to revamp image with National Happy Hour

Local beer giant Anheuser-Busch is giving out free samples at bars, pubs and restaurants all over the country in its first Budweiser National Happy Hour this evening.

| Contributing Reporters

Sips in the City brings happy hour to Schnucks

As Wash. U. students stock up on cases of Natty Light at the Schnucks on Clayton Road, others sip on pinot noir and tasty Belgian beers at Culinaria, an upscale version of Schnucks located in downtown St. Louis. The event is Sips in the City, a happy hour collaboration between Culinaria, ALIVE Magazine and Anheuser-Busch that usually takes place on the last Friday of the month.

| Managing Editor

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