
Staff Editorial: Find balance, try something new next semester

Although it may be tempting to wait until late the night before to open course listings for the first time, make sure you have your registration worksheet set and ready to go.

Worried about registration? Consider these classes for the fall

It’s time to register for classes once more, so we at Student Life have compiled a list of our favorite options offered for the fall of 2016. Pray that you have a good time slot lest you be stuck with Management 100.

University should institute adviser procedure, optimize student benefit

All Wash. U. students should strive to take advantage of various opportunities that the school’s major departments offer.

Jeff Kang | Staff Writer

Course recommendations for Fall 2014

Whether you’re looking for another class to fill a distribution requirement or are just scrambling to replace a class already filled up by upperclassmen, we at Student Life have some suggestions for course registration.

Top creative outlet classes here at Washington University

Tired of writing analytical essays and doing chemistry labs? Clear off room in your schedule for a more creative class, like Fiction Writing or Drawing I. Even pre-med students can paint a beautiful picture and even engineers can dance a breathtaking ballet—it can be a way to relieve stress while still getting academic credit. Cadenza staff members picked their favorite classes to let those creative juices flow.

Syllabi Central needs community involvement

The new Syllabi Central website, created by senior Jake Novick and junior Joseph Marcus allows students to upload syllabi from their former classes. The site has been up and running for two weeks. While the recent launch of the Student Union-sponsored website is a great idea that can benefit students and faculty, it will fail without participation from the entire Wash. U. community.

Grad creates app with course listings

A new iPhone app, released last Friday, allows students to check course listings on the go. Former Washington University student Dan Brewster developed the app, Course Monkey, as part of his iPhone app development class in the 2010 fall semester. It is the University’s first course listing app.

| Senior News Editor

University enacts new retake policy

From now on, students in the College of Arts & Sciences wishing to retake a course will have additional hurdles to overcome this semester. The final decision on whether a […]

| Staff Reporter

Dream scheduling

I just finished a course where, after taking the last exam, more than 75 percnt of the class walked out of the classroom without staying to watch the final DVD. […]

| Senior Forum Editor

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