
Editorial Cartoon: Monsanto

| Student Life

Abortion-rights backers blast rape language in federal funding bill

A bill in the U.S. House of Representatives that would restrict federal funding for abortions has sparked controversy among abortion-rights supporters because of a provision that they claim would redefine rape more strictly.

| Staff Reporter

Studying abroad should be cheaper

Next fall I will be traveling to New Zealand to study at the University of Auckland for a semester. It is hard to express how excited I am to have the opportunity to live and study in a foreign land. Even though I am months away from departure, I am confident that living in another country will be an educational and life-changing experience.

| Staff Columnist

Make college tax deductible

Recognizing the importance of higher education for success in the modern, globalized world, Missouri state senator Timothy Green recently introduced a bill that would create a deduction against taxpayer’s state income tax for the value of college tuition.

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