WU daters’ confidence, messaging style ranked highly by OkCupid
According to a recent analysis done by the online dating site OkCupid, Washington University ranks the highest of any other of the top 20 schools in confidence and online dating message quality.
The post on the site explains, “By keeping it clear and simple with an average of 236 words written at a seventh-grade reading level, [Washington University students] have the highest message quality out of all of the schools on the list. The national average college student’s profile length is 190 words written in a sixth-grade reading level.”
Students and professors had differing opinions on the meaning of this ranking, especially in terms of writing abilities.
Sophomore Brian Gersten felt that the ranking reflected well on Washington University students and their education.
“I think it’s a good reflection of Wash. U., that we take the time and we don’t just send vulgar things, or maybe we send longly extended vulgar things, you know. It’s still a good reflection, you know, putting education and thought into what we’re doing,” Gersten said.
Senior Writer in Residence Marshall Klimasewiski, who teaches several fiction writing courses, said he hoped the ranking might represent students’ creativity, rather than simply their writing abilities.
“I hope the creative part of that high score was more, or better than that of a seventh-grade level. Maybe matters of love bring out the best in Wash. U. students. Maybe we should create more assignments around that, take advantage of that talent,” Klimasewiski said.
Sophomore Samuel Chang had an opposing view to the meaning of the ranking.
“It’s cool that we’re on top—but it’s kind of interesting, when emotions come into play, some of us dumb down,” Chang said.
Others felt that the analysis did not show a true picture of the University, as students were not likely to use online dating sites like OkCupid.
“I feel like it’s a really inaccurate representation of the dating culture at our school…I’m just unaware of online dating culture here,” sophomore Hayley Wolf said.
Sophomore Matthew Agritelley said, “I’ve never heard of that dating site, and I don’t know how many people actually use it, and whether it’s a representation of everybody because I didn’t know that was a thing.”