Fallout from Hurricane Ida is forcing the WU community to reckon with the impact of climate change.
WUSM’s new MO/Notify app uses bluetooth technology to alert users if they have been near someone who recently tested positive.
After receiving a $980,000 grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation leaders of WU’s Prison Education Project plan to expand the program.
Washington University announced a new Brain Tumor Center at the School of Medicine
Washington University’s vaccine clinic reopened on Friday, April. 16 with a new supply of Pfizer vaccines, after the CDC and FDA’s call to pause distribution of J&J vaccines caused it to shut down briefly
Nonetheless, Wash. U. has the capability to support and accommodate students in this defining moment in the school’s history. There are only a few weeks left in the semester: It’s now or never.
Because of all of my ancestors, all of the people fighting injustice over the years, I got to be there that day—a student at a top university sitting in Graham Chapel like I belonged.
Addressing this problem requires us to attack the roots of academic integrity violations, namely archaic academic standards and student mental health.
If I am holding hands with a girl then, it would be because of my queerness. I never thought that most likely, it would be because I’m Asian.
Our campaign, Disaggregate the Diaspora, is based on the fundamental truth that those in positions of power—not at Wash. U., not anywhere—cannot serve students while generalizing individual diasporas into these wide labels.
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