gun control

Editorial Cartoon: Yes of course I believe you!

| Student Life

Taking an initiative

A few weeks ago, I wrote an article about the uproar over the shortage of Macklemore tickets and asked why this was the only thing Wash. U. was capable of getting mad about. Despite an incredibly intelligent and passionate student body, Wash. U. seemed to me to be incapable of organizing and uniting.

| Staff Columnist

Gun control deserves more than inane House bills

President Barack Obama’s public declaration that he may use executive orders to heighten gun tracking on a national level in the wake of the Newtown shooting has received backlash from gun supporters nationwide. The debate has stirred emotions on all points on the political spectrum. In some cases, the response has been more than rhetorical.

Take a stand for Trayvon Martin

Three weeks ago, Trayvon Martin was walking to his father’s home in a gated community. The black 17-year-old was returning from an errand from a nearby convenience store, carrying only a cell phone, a bag of skittles and a can of iced tea.

| Op-Ed Submission

Stricter gun control needed

In light of the recent shooting at Chardon High School in Ohio, everyone has perfectly clear 20/20 hindsight. The boy needed help and all of his Facebook posts point to his loneliness and depression. People claim that the school should have recognized his troubles earlier on and helped him overcome his issues.

| Staff Columnist

States investigate easing campus gun control regulations

Legislators in several states are considering are considering legislation that would allow students to carry licensed firearms on campus. Officials in Texas, Arizona, Tennessee, Michigan, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Florida, Nebraska and Mississippi have proposed the loosening of gun control on college campuses.

| News Editor

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