Student Life is thankful for…

In a time when war is tearing the Middle East apart, the economy is still a disaster and Hurricane Sandy has left our fellow Americans on the East Coast without food, water and power, it’s important to think about what we are thankful for during this break with family and friends. Here are a few of the more light-hearted things Student Life’s Editorial Board will be taking time to appreciate this Thanksgiving.

Michael Tabb


1. A senior staff as off-key and loud at the karaoke bar as yours truly.

2. The fact that I don’t need to figure out the bizarre new IQ curriculum; hooray for clusters.

3. Late-night food delivery options for after the Danforth University Center closes.

Sahil Patel

Managing Editor:

1. J.J. Swat, the Bulls on Parade and the rest of the city of Houston’s only successful major sports franchise.

2. Taco Bell Thursdays (and the fact that I have a car that can take me to Taco Bell any other day of the week).

3. My friends, for not only understanding my quirks but also embracing them (and decorating my door with them).

Hannah Lustman

Managing Editor:

1. My family—you know I love you like crazy; now let’s eat some turkey.

2. My friends—you are the best parts of Wash. U., and I don’t know what I would do without you.

3. One Direction—yes, One Direction, for providing me with the happiest study playlist around.

Natalie Villalon

Senior Forum Editor:

1. The nine individuals who voted for me for ArtSci senator, allowing me to tie for sixth place. Heck yeah, democracy!

2. Whoever took the time to turn in my lost ID to the police. That was really nice of you, dude.

3. My professors for teaching me, challenging me and writing me recommendation letters when I needed them.

Georgie Morvis

Senior Cadenza Editor:

1. The “Les Miserables” movie trailer, videos of dogs being reunited with their soldier owners, videos of baby sloths and basically all of YouTube for providing an endless source of joyful tears.

2. Slow walkers. Just kidding. I am not thankful for slow walkers. I think they should all be shot. So I guess…people who walk at a normal speed. Thank you for being good humans.

3. The brisket at Winslow’s Home.

4. Blue Ivy.

Alana Hauser

Senior Scene Editor:

1. Dough to Door and their tolerant attitude toward cookie addicts.

2. Friends—especially those who share an equal fear of Mudface.

3. Lena Dunham for publicly making the anti-pants movement cool.

Kurt Rohrbeck

Senior Sports Editor:

1. Everyone calming me down and telling me it’s OK that I don’t yet know what I’m doing with my life at the end of this year.

2. Dance Marathon for giving me four of the most memorable days of my entire college experience.

3. The fact that I can now watch an hour of TV without seeing any more angry campaign ads.

Leah Kucera

Art Director:

1. All my friends and family both in faraway Kansas City and elsewhere.

2. Any catered, university-sponsored event. Not only am I cheap, I also hate cooking for myself. Keep the receptions and the hors d’oeuvre coming, Wash. U.

3. Unseasonably warm November days (one of the more pleasant side effects of global climate change).

Sam Schauer

Design Chief:

1. Aqib Talib (Go Pats!).

2. Seoul Taco.

3. Winslow’s Home takes campus card.

John Schmidt

Copy Chief:

1. My friends and family—the only people who attempt to understand and tolerate my obsession with grammar, punctuation and the Oxford comma, which sadly can’t be printed in this paper.

2. The arrival of pumpkin season—bring on the pies, spiced lattes and divine fusions of pumpkin and chocolate

3. The fact that I just included an exclamation point in the paper and didn’t feel guilty about it.

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