
Letter to the Editor: Where is the superiority? How the Left keeps getting misrepresented

I agree with Ciorba that nobody should be blaming or scapegoating marginalized communities for the outcome of the 2024 election; that’s shameful. However, let’s not start playing the victim or making excuses, either.

| Newsletter Editor

Slates will further divide Student Union

Clearly, SU is far from united. Unfortunately, the 13-person slate is likely to exacerbate this division.

| Managing Forum Editor

Staff Editorial: Voting in key elections doesn’t stop after Nov. 5

As a student body, we should not be complacent — we should instead strive to increase voter turnout to make SU more representative of the student body and its beliefs.

The city-county line is just down the hall

On Tuesday, senior Tovi Blauser got to the polls at 6 a.m. to avoid the long line that would soon form inside the Field House. 

| Editor-In-Chief

First time absentee voting: less fanfare, same impact

While some WashU students flocked to the red, white, and blue decked polling locations on Nov. 5, hundreds of others carried out their slightly-less-ceremonious ballot submissions through absentee voting in […]

| Contributing Writer

Q&A with Kate Springer, from St. Louis County Board of Elections

Kate Springer, a Public Information Coordinator on the St. Louis County Board of Elections, speaks below about the board’s preparation for the 2024 election. The board has 230 voting locations across the county and an average of 10 to 12 poll staffers per location.

| Co-Editor-in-Chief

As polls close, WashU sees record-high voter turnout

Just over 2,000 people voted in the 2024 election across two polling locations on WashU’s Danforth and Medical Campuses, with the largest voter turnout in history, per the Gephardt Institute for Civic and Community Engagement. 

This election was the first time that the Medical Campus served as a voting location, with 486 people casting ballots there. Turnout at the Danforth Campus polling location was 1,479, increasing by 38.4% compared to 1,156 voters in the 2020 presidential election.

and | Investigative News Editor, Managing News Editor

Pouring rain and cold winds do not deter WashU from on-campus voting in hour-long line

Despite heavy rains, students, faculty, and community members from the St. Louis area have been lining up to vote since polls opened at 6 a.m. this morning. 

| Investigative News Editor

Reproductive rights should matter to you, too.

As college students, we need to understand and talk about how abortion bans affect us and our close communities. As human beings, we need to understand, discuss, and feel outraged about abortion bans for what they are — a public-health crisis.

| Managing Forum Editor

Georgia is vital in the 2024 election

With its evolving electorate, deep partisan divides, and narrow margins, Georgia is not just another battleground state — it is the battleground state.

| Contributing Writer

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