TEDxWUSTL hosts five talks full of ideas worth spreading

TEDxWUSTL held its annual TEDx event on Thursday, April 4. This year, the five speakers gave talks covering topics ranging from the applications of artificial intelligence to linguistics in the judicial system and even a student’s personal experiences with schizophrenia. Following the new TED tagline “ideas change everything,” all TED events focus on finding and […]

| Junior Scene Editor

Economist, TED presenter discusses methods of self-control

Dan Ariely, a New York Times bestselling author and five-time TED presenter, discussed his research concerning the motivations behind our oft-dangerous short-term behaviors despite our positive future goals Thursday in Hillman Hall.

Swetha Nakshatri | Contributing Reporter

TEDxWUSTL brings broad range of speakers to sold-out crowd

Sex, music and economic disenfranchisement were among the topics addressed at TEDxWUSTL’s 2015 event: “Crossroads.”

| Staff Reporter

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