sexual assault prevention

Emma Sulkowicz reflects on political activism journey

Political activist Emma Sulkowicz discussed her journey to becoming a performance artist at the panel “Carry Your Weight: Sexual Violence on Campus” on Thursday, Nov. 9, at Graham Chapel. 

and | Staff Writer and Contributing Writer

WUSASS joins the fight to prevent sexual assault on campus

Washington University Survivors and Allies for Social Support (WUSASS) is a new club on campus dedicated towards empowering survivors to reclaim their campus experiences and educate their peers about sexual assault prevention.

| Junior Scene Editor

Campus Life and Title IX’s jurisdiction, explained

In light of the recent controversy surrounding Kappa Sigma’s new pledge class, Title IX and Campus Life are clarifying their respective roles in the response process to allegations of sexual assault.

| Senior News Editor

Feminist writer and activist Jessica Valenti discusses feminism, gender-based violence

Prominent feminist writer and activist Jessica Valenti spoke on feminism, rape culture and sexual harassment in Graham Chapel April 9.

| Staff Reporter

Sexual assault prevention app means well, needs adjustments

This past weekend, a new program, xSoteria, aimed at increasing safety at parties debuted on campus. However, certain issues exist within the app and with how the app interacts with Greek life—and if these aren’t addressed, the app will not achieve nearly as much success as it otherwise can.

COSA reorganizes under new name

Washington University’s umbrella organization for sexual assault prevention and education has reorganized itself under new leadership after a semester-and-a-half hiatus and for the first time has set a budget to support its efforts.

| Student Life Editors

Time to improve sexual assault prevention efforts

Nearly two years ago, a man tailgated into Myers Hall, forced his way into a female student’s dorm room and raped her. That incident jumpstarted a campus-wide conversation about security […]

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