
Op-Ed: Dear Chancellor Martin: A call to action

Rather than leaving it to the students to protect themselves, the responsibility should be placed on the university who has adequate resources to do so.

Garrett Cohen | Class of 2020

No wheels for WU: New policy prohibits motorized scooters, skateboards

Washington University in St. Louis Parking & Transportation Services unveiled a new policy banning the use of electric scooters and other motorized transportation devices on campus earlier this week.

| Senior News Editor

Staff editorial: Bikes, scooters and cars, oh my!

The arrival of Limebike, a dockless bike and scooter ridesharing system, has resulted in dozens of bikes and scooters around the Danforth Campus, with many students taking short trips on the low-priced rentals.

Editorial Cartoon: Scooter

Brandon Pogrob | Student Life

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