Pulitzer Prize

Pulitzer Prize Winner Hernan Diaz Comes to WashU

Hernan Diaz, Pulitzer Prize winner and author of bestselling novels “Trust” and “In the Distance,” visited Washington University to read the work of MFA students and deliver a craft talk in Hurst Lounge on Tuesday, Oct. 24, 2023. 

and | Contributing Writers

‘That beautiful carpet’: A walk through Ginkgo Allée

Walking through Ginkgo Allée on the eastern side of Olin Library after the leaves have fallen is an experience in itself. The leaves form a yellow-green carpet, turned golden in the sunlight, and crinkle gently with every step. On both flanks, the almost-centenarian ginkgo trees have lost their leaves, but not their majesty, and they stand tall, bare and proud. The scene is both serene and beautiful, but, even though the leaves fell just last Thursday night, Nov. 7, they’ll be gone before the month is out.

Caleb Liu | Contributing Writer

Journalist, novelist to deliver commencement address, students react

Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and author Anna Quindlen will deliver the commencement address for the class of 2017, Chancellor Mark Wrighton announced at the annual senior class toast Tuesday, which prompted mixed reactions from the senior class.

| Senior News Editor

Quindlen well-suited for commencement address

Despite the lackluster response from the senior class—which can be attributed to her lack of name recognition—the Student Life editorial board believes Quindlen is a good choice and that students should keep an open mind despite her lack of name recognition.

Journalist, author Anna Quindlen to deliver commencement address

Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and author Anna Quindlen will deliver the commencement address for the class of 2017, Chancellor Mark Wrighton announced at the annual senior class toast today.

| Senior News Editor

Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist to report on foot for seven years

Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Paul Salopek will spend the next seven years of his life walking through 39 countries. In an experiential journalism project called “Out of Eden,” Salopek will trace the theorized path of the first migration of humans out of Africa more than 50,000 years ago.

| News Editor

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