Prison Education Project

WashU Prison Education Project hosts Dr. Marisa Omori for Maggie Garb Lecture Series

Washington University’s Prison Education Project (PEP) hosted Marisa Omori, Ph.D., to speak about how the development of artificial intelligence, specifically facial recognition technologies, may impact racial inequality in the criminal […]

| News Editor

Prison Education Project holds panel discussion on mass incarceration and public health

The Washington University Prison Education Project (PEP) held a panel discussion on the public health crisis posed by mass incarceration in Missouri and the United States on Oct. 16.

| Staff Writer

Earning a degree behind bars: WU Prison Education Project changes lives 

Adorned with a study hall, computer lab, and multiple whiteboards, the Education Annex might be indistinguishable from an average American college, if not for the facility’s barren surroundings and the presence of armed security. 

| Contributing Writer 

After year of pandemic restrictions and budget cuts, Mellon Grant provides hope to Prison Education Project staff

After receiving a $980,000 grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation leaders of WU’s Prison Education Project plan to expand the program.

Kasey Noss | Staff Reporter

‘We’re plugging away’: How the Prison Education Project keeps working during the pandemic

In a normal year, PEP instructors make the 35-minute drive southwest to Pacific, Mo. where they conduct in-person class, put together study hall sessions and even organize clubs. But when COVID-19 hit, the prison completely shut down. The students couldn’t see their families, let alone teachers from PEP.

| Senior Scene Editor

WU students and staff create mutual aid fund for formerly incarcerated people

The devastation brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic has been deeply felt in every corner of society, prompting students across the country to get involved with helping their community members.

Elizabeth Phelan | Staff Writer

Op-ed: Open Letter to Chancellor Andrew Martin and the Washington University Administration

The Chancellor claims to be “for” St Louis and increased educational access, but how can you tote this credo if you are not helping the people that come from the community? It is time that members of the Washington University community ask him this question.

Harvey Galler, UCollege Student and PEP Alumnus | Abaki Beck, Brown School MSW '20

Interrogating Incarceration club works to raise awareness, eliminate disconnect

While many Washington University students may be interested in getting involved with social justice causes such as mass incarceration and education, it is often unclear how to get one’s foot in the door.

| Senior Scene Editor

Op-ed: ‘We need to understand the needs of all men and all women alike; even if those next to you have a past that is criminal’

My name is JonPaul Heinz, most who know me or who have known me well will call me J.P. Inside these walls, though, I go by another name: Inmate number 1267946.

JonPaul Heinz | Prison Education Program Student

Washington University Prison Education Project prepares for new admissions cycle

Since 2014, the Prison Education Project (PEP) has given inmates at Missouri Eastern Correctional Center (MECC) the opportunity to enroll in any of five to six courses taught by Washington University faculty each semester, covering topics ranging from Macroeconomics to Japanese Civilization.

| Contributing Reporter

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