
Staff Editorial: SU recall petition needs transparency

As we approach this upcoming vote, the Student Life Editorial Board expresses concerns over the petition’s anonymous filing and resulting potential for the exploitation of the recall process.

Petition released to recall Speaker of Senate

A petition to recall sophomore Sonal Churiwal as the current Student Union (SU) Speaker of the Senate due to allegations of improper conduct, was uploaded onto Washington University’s Group Organizer (WUGO) website, March 26.  

The petition asks that Churiwal be removed “for the sake of unity, justice, and tolerance” due to alleged abuse of power, violation of neutrality rules, threats to expel senators, and generally creating a “culture of fear.” The petition does not have an author’s name attached to it. 

| Managing News Editor

Parents, students call for increased COVID-19 testing and transparency in spring semester

With Washington University’s COVID-19 testing policies remaining largely unchanged from the fall semester, parents and students have called for more frequent COVID-19 testing and increased transparency for the spring semester.

Orli Sheffey | News Editor

Op-Ed: Let WashU Students Count P/F Classes Towards Major/Graduation Requirements

By signing this petition, let Wash. U. administration hear your voice and help advocate for your fellow Wash. U. peers who have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Ashlee Chung, Rory Vu Mather and Sophie Scott | Class of 2020, Master’s Candidate and Class of 2021

Walker resigns after Senate and Treasury initiate impeachment inquiry following fall election

Student Union Election Commissioner junior Randal Walker resigned from her position, Nov. 20.

| Senior News Editor

SU senators issue petitions calling for no classes and exams on 2020 election day

Student Union senators are drafting petitions to circulate among instructors and students calling for the cancellation of classes and exams on the day of the 2020 presidential elections.

Curran Neenan | News Editor

Brown School students create petition criticizing proposed changes to Fair Housing Act

In response to proposed changes to the Fair Housing Act, Brown School graduate students Jack Seigel and Nora Garcia launched a petition decrying their predicted impact on the process of filing a lawsuit over housing discrimination.

Sulan Pathiranage | Contributing Reporter

‘The show will go on’: Update on Gargoyle removal dispute

Space availability problems persist for student groups following Washington University’s spring 2019 decision to convert the Gargoyle and Mallinckrodt 100A into offices.

Yifei Qin | Contributing Reporter

University should heed students’ calls for longer Ursa’s hours

Currently, a petition on is circulating amongst the student body, urging the University and Danforth University Center Event Management to re-open Ursa’s for studying as the space is only used currently for events.

Student petition advocates for change in Ursa’s study hours

An online petition requesting an increase in Ursa’s hours has garnered support from students and has received attention from the Office of Residential Life, which manages the space. While the venue used to host open study hours, it is now only open for specific programs through Ursa’s Nite Life and other campus groups.

| Contributing Reporter

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