
Three-time Paralympic champion Kendall Gretsch’s journey from Olin Library to Tokyo gold

After a year off from sports during her freshman year, Gretsch ached for an athletic outlet. Once she had found one, she could not be stopped.

| Senior Sports Editor

From Whitaker Hall to the Pyeongchang podium

It was actually not until halfway through her Wash. U. career, when she was home for summer vacation after her sophomore year, that Gretsch’s Paralympic dream began to crystallize.

Jon Lewis | Associate Editor

Bring the Paralympics into the spotlight

This past Sunday night, Fisht Olympic Stadium in Sochi, Russia came alive one last time for an inspiring display of acrobatics, stunts and dances. Fans from around the world packed the stadium for support as their nations’ athletes took one last lap around the stadium to officially close out the Winter Olympic season.

| Forum Editor

Spotlight on: Kerri Morgan, Paralympian

Although relatively new to wheelchair sprinting, Washington University instructor Kerri Morgan will be in Beijing starting Sept. 6 for the 13th Paralympic Games in that sport.

| Senior Sports Editor

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