living wage

Unpacking the University’s explanation for excluding student workers from its $15 an hour minimum wage raise

“At the undergrad level,” continued McDonald, “you just have an attitude that work is just like, a little bit extra, or it just helps out.” While that may be the case for some, extensive coverage by Student Life cites other undergraduates who say they depend on campus employment—many of us know of or are such students ourselves.

Diva Harsoor | Contributing Writer

‘We’re just really, really heartened’: Washington University to increase minimum wage to $15 by 2021

Washington University will increase the minimum hourly wage to $15 an hour for regular employees and basic service contractors on July 1, 2021, Chancellor Andrew Martin announced June 25.

| Senior News Editor

Op-Ed: Time for Washington University to translate research into practice

Earning a living wage doesn’t mean living extravagantly. It simply captures the amount needed to live independently without facing the stressful tradeoffs that come when you can afford either quality child care or decent housing in a safe environment, but not both.

Jake Rosenfeld | Associate Professor of Sociology

Op-Ed: Letter to the editor: All campus workers need $15/hr and free childcare

My anxiety about money is hindering my ability to take care of myself and other people in my life who matter to me.

Sarah Martin | Class of 2019

The fight for $15 at Washington University and beyond, explained

The Washington University Graduate Workers Union is currently occupying Brookings Quadrangle in its latest protest for a $15 an hour minimum wage and free subsidized child care for all University employees.

| Senior News Editor

Staff Editorial: On Monday’s arrests: Disappointed, but not surprised

This situation would never have occurred had the University previously taken more initiative to work with Fight for $15 members to create a clear plan to address the organization’s demands.

Op-Ed: Prestige and Poverty: #FightFor15

The majority of organizers for economic empowerment on campus are graduate students or union members. Only a small percentage of those at rallies are undergraduate students, despite all the rhetoric about Wash. U. being an engaged student body. Does that sit well with you, Wash. U.?

Charles Bosco | Class of 2021

‘If the administration did not want us to be arrested, we would not have been arrested’: Eight arrests made during sit-in

Eight individuals occupying Chancellor-elect Martin’s office for a Fight for $15 protest were arrested by the Washington University Police Department (WUPD) earlier this evening.

and | Senior Editors

WUGWU hosts vigil as part of Fight for $15

The Washington University Graduate Workers Union held a candlelight vigil calling for better treatment of University workers Friday, March 1.

Grace Stohr | Staff Reporter

WUGWU marches on Brookings in latest protest

The Washington University Graduate Workers Union (WUGWU) marched from Hillman Hall to Brookings as a part of their Fight for $15 campaign Monday.

| News Editor

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