Letter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor: A sexual assault survivor from the Class of 2007

As a former actor who literally performed in “The Date” at WashU multiple times, even I was unaware I was being sexually assaulted in my relationship at WashU; it wasn’t until therapy years later that I realized coercion and threats are not consent.

Letter to the Editor: There is no room for anti-Blackness in arts and entertainment journalism

Having trained arts reporters who understand how to navigate writing reviews of culturally significant projects and events on campus is important.

| Former Cadenza and Social Media Editor, Class of 2022

Letter to the Editor: Disappointed student’s response to pro-Palestine faculty letter

I found the faculty letter to be dishonest in its treatment of Crosby’s tweets, manipulative in its use of social justice terms to gain blind support for “freedom fighting,” and ignorant in its obsession with free speech and neglect of the patterns of anti-Jewish violence.

| Class of 2026

Letter to the Editor: Student Life’s “neutrality” is harming students

Transphobia has been an issue in StudLife’s publishing for some time, and it’s time to address it.

| Class of 2026

Letter to the Editor: Student Life again fails to condemn transphobia

It is the job of a newspaper — a reputable one, at least — to help its readers see past the lies and find the truth. Last week, Student Life failed to serve this purpose. 

and | Former Student Life Managing Editors

Letter to the editor: An alum’s plea: Student Life needs to change

Bertlesman argues that “Student Life no longer has any reporting or investigating to offer. It never calls for comment beyond the standard statement. It never investigates further when there is clearly smoke in the air.”

| Class of 2019 and J.D. Class of 2022

Letter to the Editor

I chose the fraternity that was the best fit for me, and it was among the best decisions that I made at Wash. U.

Jeremy Raphael | Class of 2002

Capitalism does suck, we’re just brainwashed

Capitalism has indeed generated remarkable amounts of wealth, but suggesting that the distribution of said wealth has helped everyone would simply be erroneous.

| Senior Editor

Letter to the Editor

The purpose of education is
not to confirm or “validate” your “identity” or feelings—you could do
that at home. It is to expose you to the broad range of human thought, to show you how different people and cultures have approached the fundamental questions of existence.

Jonathan Katz | Professor of Physics

Letter to the Editor

When I finally came to, however, I realized what a clever piece of work it actually was.

Sarah Freymiller | Masters of Social Work Candidate

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