knight center

Editor’s Note Episode 8: The WU quarantine experience

After receiving the dreaded contact tracing call, staff reporters and suitemates freshmen Julia Robbins and Olivia Poolos were sent into quarantine housing for 10 days.

| Multimedia Editor

WU opens up campus to house frontline medical personnel

Washington University is using the Charles F. Knight Executive Education & Conference Center to house 30-40 frontline medical personnel as of April 1.

| News Editor

Former Emerson CEO, business school benefactor Knight dies at age 81

Charles F. Knight, a benefactor of the Olin Business School and a large part of the Olin community, died from Alzheimer’s disease at age 81 Tuesday.

| News Editor

Former UK Prime Minister addresses Olin MBAs

On Tuesday, Sir John Major, former U.K. prime minister, came to speak to Olin Business School MBA students in a session about leadership as part of the MBA “Creating Exceptional Value” course co-taught by former Emerson CEO Chuck Knight and Olin professor Anjan Thakor.

| Staff Reporter

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