job market

The truth about “princelings”

You’re in the waiting room about to see the hiring manager. You strike up a conversation with the person sitting next to you. He may be wearing a more expensive suit and may have a slightly more confident posture, but he holds practically the same credentials that you do. His interview ends with a pat on the shoulder and an offer while you were sent to the door.

| Contributing Writer

NYT employability rankings place WU outside of top 100 schools worldwide

Students might want to stop their parents from turning their old bedrooms into home gyms, as they may find themselves crashing there for another few months post-graduation. A recent study conducted by The New York Times ranked Washington University 102nd out of 150 universities around the globe on the basis of employability after undergraduate studies.

| News Editor

With new focus on internships, Career Center hopes students succeed in job market

Washington University’s Career Center has stepped up its efforts to help students obtain the jobs they want. This initiative is a reaction to students’ worries about finding jobs in the current economic climate.

| Contributing Reporter

Architects struggling amid economic turmoil

As Americans do their best to weather the economic storm, architects throughout the country are finding themselves losing their footholds. Nationally, approximately 30 percent of architects are unemployed. According to statistics released by the American Institute of Architects for July 2008, architectural firms across the nation were employing a total of 224,000 people. By January 2009, that number had dropped to 206,000.

| Staff Reporter

Liberal arts degrees still worthwhile, school officials say

The recent scarcity of jobs for graduating college students has provoked debate over whether a liberal arts education is worth the high tuition and burden of student loans. According to […]

Hilary Black | Contributing Reporter

Olin graduates fare well despite tough economy

Despite the economic downturn, 91 percent of 2009 Washington University business school graduates who sought employment received at least one job offer.

| Contributing Reporter

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