
Why progressives should oppose the Iran deal

Although I do not personally identify with the progressive political movement, I firmly believe in the advancement of LGBT rights in America and around the world. I’ve found common ground with progressives on my belief in equal rights for all people regardless of their sexual orientation.

Paul Felder | Class of 2018

To be Middle Eastern at Wash. U.

This afternoon on April 12, I and five others (all people of color) gathered outside of Seigle Hall to peacefully protest the exclusion and erasure of Palestinian voices at an event run by Wash U Students for Israel. Although we were entirely respectful and peaceful, we were immediately harassed and threatened by the event’s organizers and attendees.

Stephanie Aria | Class of 2016

Why green lines and red lines don’t belong together

It is misguided to make any comparison between red lines and green lines when discussing the important issues facing America with respect to the Middle East. To suggest that green lines ought to garner the same attention as red lines in American presidential races is to not fully understand American issues and policies.

Ian Lever | Class of 2016

US Rep. Russ Carnahan addresses Middle East security issues in DUC

Russ Carnahan, Democratic Congressman for Missouri’s third district—which contains Washington University, spoke to students and community members Wednesday night as part of an event organized by Wash. U. Students for Israel.

Ambassador Houssein Mousavian visits the University and addresses Iran’s current nuclear position

At the request of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Ambassador Seyed Hossein Mousavian was arrested and placed in jail for espionage, accused of conspiring with western officials. Although in prison for less than two weeks, Mousavian was barred for five years from serving in Iran’s diplomatic corps.

Israel vs. Iran

For many, war between Iran and Israel is imminent. Several Iranian nuclear scientists recently died in what are apparently accidents but are pretty universally understood to have been Israeli assassinations.

| Staff Columnist

Dangers of a nuclear Iran

With the worldwide media’s attention captivated by tyrannical governments in Syria and Bahrain, tumultuous reconstructions in Afghanistan and Iraq, and fledgling democracies in Libya and Egypt, Iran involuntarily retreated, this summer, from the global stage.

Michael Cohen | Wash. U. Students for Israel

Sophomore gets a lesson in nuclear proliferation

With Iran getting increasingly close to nuclear capabilities, weapons of mass destruction are more and more a concern in modern-day politics. Sophomore Parsa Bastani, president of Wash. U.’s Global Zero chapter and regional team leader of the Midwest, just returned from an international conference in Paris, France, dealing with the nonproliferation of nuclear weapons.

| News Editor

Together to stop Iran

Did you know the original peace sign was a symbol for nuclear disarmament and the logo for the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND)?

Renee Kramer | Op-ed Submission

Opening ‘windows’ to a nation in turmoil: Scholar decodes Iran

The contested Iranian presidential election this summer and its bloody aftermath radically altered how many Americans view the Middle Eastern country. In light of the violence and unexpected displays of rebellion, many Western news sources turned to experts with an understanding of both Iran and the United States. Washington University scholar Fatemeh Keshavarz was one […]

| Staff Reporter

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