The Student Life staff had many adventures during this past summer, but special recognition goes to those who survived a St. Louis summer. The infamous summer, clouded by raging humidity and grueling internships, are a necessary part of the WashU experience. As we head into the upcoming semester and students look toward their summer […]
It is important to be aware of the pressure that people may feel to have had incredibly productive or life-changing breaks, and of the significant barriers to these experiences.
With the Career Fair approaching on Sept. 22, it is a good time to start thinking about preparing for this season’s recruitment.
It’s the anomaly, not the standard, when a national or state congressional internship opportunity provides funded opportunities for students.
We seem to have reached that time of the year when people begin applying for jobs and internships, a process that brings a wave of stress and anxiety along with it.
Opportunities will come with time. You may not secure the perfect summer internship. You may not have the perfect first job, but it’s only a first job. There will be other opportunities.
For the past three years, I’ve spent the spring panicking about my summer plans. Would I get an internship I liked?
This is my second semester here at Washington University. I am a freshman. Since mid-August, when I arrived for my pre-orientation program, I have attended more than six panels.
Washington University’s Career Center has stepped up its efforts to help students obtain the jobs they want. This initiative is a reaction to students’ worries about finding jobs in the current economic climate.
Washington University prides itself on its career center and the career services it provides for its students. The prestigious jobs its students are offered every year, the clout those students hold in the working world, and the substantial alumni network that we have are all indicators that a lot of things are going well.
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