interfraternity council

Kappa Sigma put on social probation for knowingly violating policy guide

Kappa Sigma was placed on social probation for “knowingly violating risk management and alcohol” policies, according to the Campus Life website Nov. 21.

Curran Neenan | News Editor

After second violation, TKE placed on social probation until February

As of Nov. 17, Tau Kappa Epsilon is currently on social probation until Feb. 13.

| News Editor

Theta Xi and Sigma Nu placed on social probation, Kappa Delta and Alpha Phi receive ‘first strikes’

Theta Xi and Sigma Nu were placed on social probation while Kappa Delta and Alpha Phi were given formal conduct warnings, Oct. 30.

| News Editor

Four social Greek organizations placed on social probation for alcohol violations

Tau Kappa Epsilon is on social probation for serving hard alcohol at a dry mixer with Alpha Omicron Pi, which is also on social probation. According to Washington University’s University Standing and Conduct Status website for fraternities and sororities, Chi Omega is on social probation, and Sigma Chi is on both social probation and housing probation.

Ellie Ito | Contributing Reporter

Campus Life welcomes Delta Chi to campus spring 2020

Campus Life announced the addition of a new fraternity chapter, Delta Chi, at Washington University to fraternity and sorority leaders, Sept. 7.

| News Editor

‘We really need to come together as a community’: WPA, IFC respond to anonymous email and art demonstration

An activist art demonstration was constructed on fraternity row depicting the amount of reported sexual violence across fraternities, in response to an email from an anonymous fraternity member, early Thursday morning.

and | Senior News Editors

IFC adds fall open events to spring fraternity recruitment

Following the Interfraternity Council’s decision to add a week of open events in November to the spring recruitment process, 128 men have registered to participate in spring rush for fraternities.

| Contributing Reporter

WU Interfraternity Council raises awareness for men’s health issues

Fraternity members across campus will be ditching their shaving tools for the Washington University Interfraternity Council’s (IFC) Movember awareness month, which IFC hopes will help unify the fraternity and sorority community behind a philanthropic cause.

Rachel Katzin | Contributing Reporter

On behalf of Wash. U.’s fraternity community

This past Monday, StudLife chose to publish an op-ed piece entitled, “What is going on with our fraternities?” which criticized both Wash. U.’s Interfraternity Council and its 10 current member chapters. I felt that as president of the Interfraternity Council and a voice for Greek Life as a whole, this article warranted a response on my part.

Eric Fischer | Inter-Fraternity Council President

What is going on with our fraternities?

In the past term, two of the 12 fraternities on campus have been disbanded or suspended by not only the school but also their respective national headquarters. That number is an anomaly, yes, but it’s also alarming. To think that one-sixth of our fraternity life has simply disappeared in a span of roughly three months is shocking.

David D’Alessandro

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