Ice Cream

Campus Creamery celebrates its grand opening

Campus Creamery, a new Student Entrepreneurial Program (StEP) campus store selling ice cream, celebrated its grand opening outside the Gregg storefronts on March 30. 

, and | Junior News Editors

Eat STL: Sugarwitch

In this episode, Talkow visits Sugarwitch in St. Louis, MO to explore everything from ice cream sandwiches to sustainability.

| Producer

Matt’s Morsels: Comfort food fills the hole in my soul

It’s almost fall break; so, by now, everyone is burnt out by school and struggling to justify their life choices. No matter who or your position at Washington University, you need an outlet. Exercise, endless YouTube videos and partying are all common ways we destress, and each have their merits. But the king of refilling your emotional tank is food.

| Staff Columnist

Ice cream and waffle sandwiches: A dream team turned into reality

Boardwalk Waffles & Ice Cream, which held its grand opening in Maplewood, Mo. last Saturday, hopes to accomplish a unique idea well.

Brock Workman | Food Editor

Juice cleanse ideas for people who refuse to do juice cleanses

I am not an anti-juicer, but that doesn’t mean that I’m not a hater. In response to the juice cleanse, here’s a list of “juice cleanses” that I thought of while simmering in a petty stupor.

| Senior Scene Editor

What do we all scream for? ICE CREAM, FOOLS.

The days are heating up, school is coming to a close, summer is so close we can almost taste it. Alas, the final hurdle that is finals week looms in the (not so distant) distance.

| Design Chief

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