
The room where it happens: How Tumblr is reframing history

There is a subculture of history jokes and memes on Tumblr that follows these principles. In doing so, it is rewiring the mechanisms through which history is communicated and interpreted.

| Senior Cadenza Editor

Cadenza’s favorite pop culture of 2015

To say 2015, or any other year, was a “great” one for pop culture is unnecessary and redundant, given the quantity of content available for consumption.
The real question is what’s worth seeking out. If you’re looking to catch up on some of the year’s best, you could do worse than starting here.

Cadenza’s summer highlights

We know you mourned the lapse in Student Life’s pop culture commentary during your summer internship, road trip or desk job. In an effort to atone for their absence, Senior Cadenza Editor Mark Matousek and Managing Editor Katharine Jaruzelski share their favorite pop culture artifacts from this summer.

and | Senior Cadenza Editor and Managing Editor

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