graduate students

The Graduate Center hosts events for Graduate and Professional Student Appreciation Week

The Graduate Center (TGC) at Washington University has planned a slate of events to celebrate Graduate and Professional Student Appreciation Week, including raffles, guided meditation, and a pizza lunch, April 1 to 5. 

| News Editor

Late night fire forces students, UCity residents, out of apartment building

At around 9:15 p.m. on Saturday, October 14, a fire broke out on the first floor of an apartment building at 6230 Clemens Avenue. 

and | Managing News Editor and Editor in Chief

‘Graduate school is not designed for us’: For parents in graduate programs, traditional academia and gendered expectations clash

In one of her first meetings as a Ph.D. candidate, a professor asked Carolyn Barnes if she was married. Was she married to a man? Was she planning on having children while completing her doctorate?

| Editor-in-Chief

Op-ed: A message from the WUGWU-SEIU Local 1 Organizing Committee

ver the course of a single semester, graduate workers organizing with the Washington University Graduate Workers Union (WUGWU) have won subsidized dental care, lower out-of-pocket healthcare maximums and guaranteed summer funding.

Miranda Popkey | WUGWU Organizing Committee

Op-ed: Graduate union wins summer pay

We will continue to watch Wash. U. to make sure it follows up on these promises and continue fighting in the future for financial stability for grad workers at Wash. U.

JB Duck-Mayr | WUGWU Organizing Committee

Graduate Workers Union rallies, advocates for summer funding, more leave

The Union delivered approximately 500 Valentine’s Day-inspired cards to Provost Holden Thorp’s office to advocate for what they argue are their rights on campus as graduate students Feb. 14.

Emma Baker | News Editor

Graduate students pull petition for union

Graduate students rallied outside of the Danforth University Center Tuesday after withdrawing their petition to receive union recognition by the National Labor Relations Board Nov. 15.

Emma Baker | Staff Reporter

Op-ed: Direct action as a means of change for graduate students

Our power comes from our will to take action to improve our lives, and continuing to take action is what we plan to do as the Washington University Graduate Workers Union.

Augusto Medeiros Da Rosa | 5th Year Graduate Student

Letter to the Editor: Wash. U. grad workers union is still here, still fighting

From the beginning, the Wash. U. administration has chosen to hide behind union-busting lawyers in the courtroom rather than to listen to us.

Washington University Graduate Workers Union

Graduate students forge ahead

Despite being stalled in their unionization process due to 174 challenged votes, graduate students continued to put pressure on the administration by rallying outside Brookings Hall at 2 p.m. Monday, Nov. 15.

| News Editor

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