Emergency Support Team

EST wins several awards at national EMS conference

Washington University’s Emergency Support Team (EST) earned three awards and placed first in the Stryker Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Skills Classic at the National Collegiate Emergency Medical Services Foundation (NCEMSF) conference. Over 100 universities across the country sent representatives from their emergency response teams to attend the conference in Baltimore, Maryland, Feb 23-25.

| Staff Writer

‘A step in the right direction’: WU expands medical amnesty policy to include drugs

Washington University expanded its medical amnesty and active bystander protocol to now include the possession or use of drugs in addition to alcohol last week. “When a student seeks aid […]

| Staff Reporter

WUSM partners with BJC to administer COVID-19 vaccine doses to qualified undergraduate, graduate groups

As vaccinations against the novel coronavirus have begun distribution and administration across the country, Washington University School of Medicine (WUSM) and BJC Healthcare have played a role in the incolutation process.

| News Editor

A Q&A with Washington University’s Emergency Support Team

On any given Friday or Saturday night, it’s easy to spot Washington University’s student-run, Emergency Support Team (EST) making its way around campus in its trademark Ford Escape labeled “EST” in large white letters. Especially on the weekend of WILD, EST is dedicated to safety. Student Life spoke with senior Jennifer Akin, the president of EST.

Jon Wingens | Contributing Writer

Find additional funding for EST

The Emergency Support Team, better known as EST to the rest of us, is one of the main lines of defense on Wash. U.’s campus against our occasional mishaps. This leads us to question why Student Health Services (SHS) would cut EST funding by $8,000.

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