Frequent visitors to the DUC’s second floor may know the orange, oldened-with-use armchairs that have been a staple of the second floor for many years. As of Oct. 8 this […]
Although midterm season may prevent many Jewish students from attending recent holiday services and gatherings, Chabad on Campus found a way to bring festivities to them last week.
The Center for Diversity and Inclusion, the Gephardt Institute for Civic and Community Engagement and the Office for International Students and Scholars relocated their office spaces over summer break. The offices moved to better serve students, meet the needs of each office and to provide additional space for the offices’ growth.
Magnell’s artwork will be on display in the Danforth University Center later this month.
Later this week, Alice Lee’s work will be displayed in the DUC. Learn what inspires the senior Communications Design major.
Renovations were completed in the Danforth University Center this summer to accommodate the relocation of the Center for Diversity and Inclusion to the third floor.
Campus Life made a new request of Student Union to fund it $100,000 as part of the group’s move—a $200,000 decrease from its first request.
After beginning its food truck pilot program this spring, Dining Services will meet at the end of the semester to the potential of continuing it into next fall.
Construction is underway in the Danforth University Center to develop a new office for the vice chancellor for students, Lori White, and to create additional study spaces available to students and the Career Center.
Despite venue constraints, Dance Marathon at Washington University in St. Louis celebrated its 16th straight year on campus this Saturday, raising a now-typical amount of more than $150,000 for the Children’s Miracle Network of Greater St. Louis.
Stay up to date with everything happening at Washington University and beyond.