Chiddy Bang

‘Nothing but bangers’: Chiddy Bang leaves it all out on Mudd Field

Social Programming Board took over Mudd Field in preparation for hip-hop star Chiddy Bang’s performance on the stage where just a few weeks ago Fox News broadcasted during the second presidential debate.

| Music Editor

Cal Scruby to open for Chiddy Bang in SPB fall concert Friday

Cincinnati-raised rapper Cal Scruby will open for Chiddy Bang at this year’s fall concert on Oct. 21, Social Programming Board announced Monday.

| Senior News Editor

Chiddy Bang to headline fall concert, students express lukewarm reactions

Students have expressed mild but mixed reactions regarding Social Programming Board’s Tuesday announcement that Philadelphia rapper Chiddy Bang will headline this semester’s fall concert.

| News Editor

Chiddy Bang uninspired, Mudd Field move questionable

We don’t need to be reminded that this semester we did not get to partake in WILD. Yet, with Social Programming Board’s announcement yesterday of the changes to the fall concert, I can’t help but feel that they are attempting to replace the void left by the absence of one of the most-beloved Washington University events.

| Music Editor

Chiddy Bang to headline SPB’s fall concert

Hip-hop artist Chiddy Bang, known for hits “Opposite of Adults” and “Mind Your Manners,” will headline this year’s fall concert, Social Programming Board announced Tuesday.

| News Editor

Now Hear This!: Hoodie Allen at The Pageant

For those of you looking for a preview for one of the artists on the ballot for WUStock next semester, head over to the Pageant on Wednesday to see Hoodie Allen and Chiddy Bang hit the stage. Hoodie, real name Steven Markowitz, will be bringing his trademark style of “frat-rap” to St. Louis, rapping about East Coast affluence and mainstream culture rather than the traditional women, guns, booze formula seen in most of the popular tracks today.

Wesley Jenkins | Contributing Writer

Chiddy Bang to headline first Olinpalooza since ’08

Olinpalooza is returning to campus after a two-year hiatus. The Olin Business Council will host the charity concert in the Gargoyle from 8:30-11:30 p.m. on Dec. 9. Chiddy Bang and The Pass will perform.

| News Editor

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