As I think about the current situation, I wonder if the students that Chancellor Martin is deriding and threatening will have the same reflection at their reunion weekends. Then I think, with the experience they are having, would they even come?
A majority of Student Union (SU) senators have signed a letter alleging that Washington University administrators have attempted to block Senate from meeting to pass a pro-Palestine resolution, leading other SU members to call for more transparency and communication in the organization, May 1.
Chancellor Andrew Martin released a statement on April 17 reaffirming Washington University community guidelines. The statement responded to the Bear Day protest on April 13 and offered an update on an egging incident that occurred at the Bear’s Den (BD) dining hall on March 21.
Chancellor Andrew Martin and Lee Epstein, Distinguished Professor of Law at the University of Southern California, jointly taught a two-day lecture class that focused on the history and significance of freedom of expression on college campuses, March 29 and 30. The course was first taught in 2020 and is now an 100-seat 1-credit class with […]
About 70 community members, mainly students, attended a protest calling for Chancellor Andrew Martin to make a statement on violence in Gaza, condemn Islamophobia, and cut Washington University’s financial ties with Boeing, Dec. 7.
Chancellor Andrew Martin published an online statement about free speech and responsibility amid community activism related to violence in Israel and in Palestine. Nov 29.
In his statement, Martin condemned the phrase “from the river to the sea,” which elicited responses of support from those who say it is antisemitic and opposition from those who say it is a Palestinian liberation chant.
Wash. U.’s renewed commitment to socioeconomic diversity falls flat without a commitment to becoming need-blind that is more than a declaration of aspiration. The Zetchers’ contribution is indeed a step toward pulling this goal out of the realm of possibility and into reality.
Yet to a certain extent, the state of the University is not its statistics, and this is where the address missed its mark.
During the address, which was broadcast live on YouTube, Martin described some highlights of the Washington University experience in 2020, in the face of the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The recent convocation of Washington University’s Class of 2024 marks the inauguration of a new admissions plan: the WashU Pledge.
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