bystander intervention training

WUSASS joins the fight to prevent sexual assault on campus

Washington University Survivors and Allies for Social Support (WUSASS) is a new club on campus dedicated towards empowering survivors to reclaim their campus experiences and educate their peers about sexual assault prevention.

| Junior Scene Editor

SU seeks to revamp It’s On Us, establish active bystander culture

Student Union will launch a new task force to revise its bystander intervention training program, It’s On Us, with a long-term goal of developing a campus culture that encourages students to be active bystanders.

| News Editor

‘It’s On Us’ promises big step, should focus on incoming students next

SU’s bystander intervention training initiative and the response to it so far show that students care about the issue of sexual assault and want to work to make a difference and genuine, lasting change. As much as the administration may support bystander intervention training through its various programs, initiatives and offices, training will not be successful if there isn’t engagement from students themselves.

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