busch hall

Studying Hebrew in the United States: WU professor wins National Jewish Book Award

Stepping inside Professor of Hebrew Language and Literature Nancy Berg’s office in Busch Hall is like entering an idyll of multicultural scholarship.

Elizabeth Phelan | Staff Writer

Bears and beer: A history of WU’s connection to Anheuser-Busch

Busch Hall and its counterpart, Anheuser-Busch Hall, are seemingly designed to confuse incoming freshmen. Not only, it seems, are there two buildings named for the same brewery (yes, a brewery), but they are located almost as far apart as possible on the Danforth campus. These buildings mark the considerable contributions of the Busch family and the Anheuser-Busch company to Washington University. They’re also just the tip of the iceberg.

Isabella Neubauer | Staff Writer

History gets a makeover

At the south end of the Brookings Quadrangle sits Busch Hall, one of Washington University’s oldest buildings on the Danforth Campus. While its exterior today looks just as it did […]

| Senior News Editor

Conference to address future of environment after Kyoto Protocol

As the international community braces for the 2012 expiration of the Kyoto Protocol—the guiding legal treaty on global greenhouse gas emissions—a group of scholars will meet at Washington University to explore how the United States will assume a role in the future of environmental protection.

| Staff Reporter

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