NBC’s Chuck Todd filled Graham Chapel with people and occasional chuckles while talking about what people can expect from the 2012 election: a close race.
Filling Graham Chapel with people and occasional chuckles, NBC’s Chuck Todd talked about what people can expect from the 2012 election: a close race.
Last week on the Jay Leno Show, presidential candidate and former governor of Massachusetts Mitt Romney, while criticizing Obama’s comprehensive health care reform law, argued that those with preexisting conditions who have not previously had health care should not be entitled to coverage.
Last week, Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum, in a speech at an Americans For Prosperity forum, made another distinctive gaffe, calling President Obama a “snob” for believing that everyone should go to college.
Over the last few weeks, I’ve had the opportunity to get out of Washington and talk with folks across the country about how we can create jobs and get our economy growing faster. This is a tough time for a lot of Americans—especially young people. You’ve come of age at a time of profound change.
Yesterday I attended a protest at President Obama’s St. Louis campaign fundraiser, urging him to reject the proposed Keystone XL pipeline for Canadian tar sands oil. In August, 1,253 brave people were arrested in acts of civil disobedience outside the White House in order to send the same message: reject the Keystone XL. I was not able to make it to D.C.
My uncle once quoted to me, “If you’re not a liberal when you’re 20, you have no heart. If you’re not a conservative when you’re 30, you have no brain.” A conservative, he is probably patiently waiting for naïve liberal me to start griping about the government stealing my money. It is undoubtedly easier to accept paying taxes when they remain an abstract concept.
In all of the insanity that is midterms at Wash. U., people have neglected to notice some important things that have been going on in the world. Specifically, in a defining moment for Jon Stewart, President Obama is going to be on The Daily Show this very evening.
16.2, 42, 46…The numbers are everywhere and the debate is now ubiquitous. The debate on the U.S. health care system, that is. Ever since President Obama ranked health care reform […]
The selection of President Barack Obama as the recipient of the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize just ten months after he took office was a surprise that has elicited shock, applause and, in some cases, disapproval on campus.
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