Safe Trick-or-Treat brings costumed children to campus
Safe Trick-or-Treat was not thwarted by threats of inclement weather, with families and Washington University students coming together to celebrate Halloween on the South 40.
The annual event, sponsored by Campus Y and Congress of the South 40, allows local children to trick or treat in campus dorms.
“We give them a fun and safe Halloween experience that they may not otherwise be able to have if they don’t feel safe in their neighborhoods or if they just don’t really have a place to trick or treat,” junior Sarah Gittleman, a program leader of Safe Trick-or-Treat, said.
Campus Y worked throughout the fall semester in preparation for the event, reaching out through letters to Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater St. Louis, schools and other YMCA programs in St. Louis. It also sent flyers along with the letters in the hopes that organizations would tell families about the event.
During the event, along with the regular distribution of candy, volunteers added festive decorations and games including coloring page stations, cake walks and Pin the Tail on Scooby-Doo.
“It was really fun to spend a couple hours with little kids and their families, “ freshman volunteer Naomi Savin said. “It was really organized and there were a lot of volunteers.”
Parents said they enjoyed themselves as well.
“I actually had one mom tell me they’ve lived here for seven years and never gone treat or treating,” Savin said. “And then they heard about the event, and it was so far past her expectations. So she was really happy.”