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Staff Editorial: How to do Spring Break without breaking the bank
With Spring Break right around the corner, it can be disheartening to hear about everyone’s extravagant plans when you cannot do the same. We as an Editorial Board got together and laid out some fun things to do over Spring Break that are within a reasonable price range and doable wherever you spend your break. Whether you want a bit of an adventure or you just want to unwind and destress from classes, we have got you covered.
Go for a walk
Pick a direction and start walking. Grab your friends and see where your feet take you. Whatever you encounter is how you’re going to spend your time. You might come across places you’ve never been or have seen but never had the chance to go to. You also might find some cool spots to take photos and make some memories. Finding your new favorite spot this way can make whatever city you’re in—if you go home, stay in St. Louis or go somewhere far away—more exciting and get rid of having a structured itinerary. Go where the wind takes you and end up at a novelty store or a coffee shop with the best blueberry muffins. You’ll never know what you might find!
—Sabrina Spence, Senior Cadenza Editor
Do nothing
Do absolutely nothing. Nothing is better than nothing. After a long first half of the semester, you have well earned the right to sit around and be as unproductive as possible. Don’t move, don’t speak. Just be. Maybe lift your arm to grab the remote to turn on the TV, but other than that just embrace the pure freedom to do absolutely, positively nothing.
—Tyler Sabloff, Senior Forum Editor
Watch ‘Love is Blind’
I am not suggesting you sit around watching Netflix all break. However, “Love is Blind” is no ordinary Netflix experience, and I do recommend watching “Love is Blind” this break. The show is shocking in its simplicity and often pure stupidity, and it sends my mind on an instant vacation. It’s a great show to watch with friends, and has been memed and Tweeted about endlessly. Join this essential cultural movement.
—Ali Gold, Engagement Editor
During stressful semester nights, the last thing you probably want to do is make a dinner that consists of more than boiling pasta. But with break, you can spend that extra time actually cooking an appetizing meal. Find a recipe online and take a shot at cooking something that would make Guy Fieri proud. You might not be on vacation, but you can take a trip to Flavortown.
— Olivia Szymanski, Director of Special Projects
Go to a comedy show
Go see a live comedy show. They’re super cool and affordable. For $20, you can see some of the best comedians in the area. There’s a dearth of great stand-up comedy on Netflix. Some of the best stand-up comics in the country are working local circuits and visiting clubs near you. So go see a show!
—Dorian DeBose, Senior Sports Editor
Go to a cat cafe
Go to a cat cafe. If you’re like me and have pets at home, you miss having them around during the school year. You probably have a sixth sense for dogs on campus. Spend $10 to sit in a cafe for an hour holding a hot chocolate and being swarmed by lovable animals. The only downside is after this you’ll probably want to adopt the cats.
—Isabella Neubauer, Senior Cadenza Editor and Copy Chief
Learn something new
Let’s face it—as Wash. U. students we don’t have a lot of free time and even less of our free time is spent doing something actively good for our psyche. Take this time to learn something that you are curious about. Whether that’s downloading Duolingo and practicing Mandarin or taking a trip to the Koenig study lounge to attempt to play the piano, at least you will have a sense of accomplishment when break is over.
—Danielle Drake-Flam, Managing Editor
Go camping
Go camping! Camping is a whole lot cheaper than some beach vacation, and with the right people can be just as fun. Make sure to do some research before you go, and find a place that is both affordable and near other activities such as hiking and swimming. Bring a few friends and you can all split the cost of a singular camping site, making things even more affordable. Camping allows a great, relaxing getaway from reality. Grab some hot dogs and marshmallows and make some memories.
—Lauren Alley, Managing Editor
Play Civilization
During the regular school year, time is a precious commodity so it’s hard to justify playing an eight hour game of Civilization, but over break you have all the time you need to conquer the world. Take the opportunity to find a nice spot outside (but still within cord distance of an outlet) while the weather is pleasant, settle a desert city and build Petra before Rameses II can steal it away from you with two turns of construction left to go.
—Josh Zucker, Associate Editor
Read a book
Read something other than your Twitter feed! Take advantage of the extra time to explore something that you have been curious about for a while yet are constantly pushing away. Maybe that means pulling off the shelf that book about how in the world our country got this way. Or it could be some sci-fi or a fan fiction, I don’t know. Something to carry you away from the gloom and doom of everyday life.
—Matthew Friedman, Senior Sports Editor
Catch up with friends
Reach out to friends you never have time to catch up with. Even if you’re not going home for break—or you are but your high school friends won’t be there—this is a great time to schedule that FaceTime call you’ve been wanting to have all semester or just send a simple text checking in.
—Jaden Satenstein, Senior Scene Editor
Plan out the rest of your semester
Okay, hear me out. This is certainly not the most fun thing to do with your free time. It is a break, after all. But sometimes, being home—or wherever it is you’ll find yourself over break—can get boring after a few days. You may find yourself sitting on a couch looking for something to do, and that’s when the planning comes in. You can use this boredom space to map out your classes, maybe catch up on the lectures you’ve missed or plan out your summer. This should by no means encompass your entire break, but if you find yourself with nothing else to do, planning will ease you of your boredom while allowing you to be productive.
—Kya Vaughn, Senior Forum Editor