Staff editorial: See a show: Support the arts on campus

As we enter the homestretch of the semester, Washington University students have the unique opportunity to enjoy a wide range of student performances. From cultural shows to a cappella concerts, student theater to dance showcases, the coming month is a perfect time for students to explore the diversity of unique performance organizations on campus.

This coming weekend will feature a variety of productions, including the Association of Latin American Students’ 20th anniversary Carnaval performance. Students can purchase tickets for $10 through the Edison Theatre box office. Additionally, student theater group Thyrsus will be putting on the play “Stop Kiss” in the Mallinckrodt Lighting Lab all weekend, while a cappella group The Ghost Lights is hosting its “Night at the Movies” concert in Holmes Lounge Sunday evening. Both groups will be selling $5 tickets in the Danforth University Center from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. for the rest of the week.

These performances are just a small selection of the abundance of productions occurring in the next few weeks. Student theatre groups Cast N’ Crew and All Student Theatre will be putting on full-length plays in the Village Black Box and Brookings Quadrangle, respectively.

Improv groups such as K.A.R.L., which performs this Saturday night, will be inducing many laughs with their shows. A cappella groups will sing old favorites and lesser known tunes you’ll add to your Spotify playlist after the show. Cultural shows such as Spirit of Korea will provide a space for students to share and learn about each other’s cultures and traditions through an energetic and artistic celebration of heritage.

Attending these performances have become more and more accessible for students through Residential College-sponsored tickets for certain shows, the Student Union Opportunity Fund and free student tickets to Performing Arts Department shows, and it’s time we take advantage. The arts have an important place on our campus, and it is vital that we as students support our peers in their artistic endeavors. We are fortunate to be surrounded by so many creative people who are constantly producing innovative and impactful work.

And it’s always really, really good.

So, if you’ve got a couple of hours one weekend and want to spend them doing something fun, enlightening and supportive of the Wash. U. community, go see a show.

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