Following Chancellor Andrew Martin’s decision to cancel the May 15 commencement ceremony for the class of 2020, many graduating seniors are searching for closure.
In a move aimed at bringing a more famous headliner to campus, Student Union’s Social Programming Board will differentiate funding for WILD between the two semesters, producing one “small WILD” and one “big WILD” during the 2020-2021 academic year.
Hundreds of people filled Graham Chapel for Washington University’s 33rd annual commemoration of the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Sex educator and activist Ericka Hart spoke to a packed crowd in Hillman Hall on the topic of “Radical Sex Positivity,” Nov 12.
A new student group, World Without Genocide, hosted a panel discussing the ramifications of genocide, Nov. 13.
Holocaust survivor Rachel Miller urged Washington University students to keep stories of the Holocaust alive at a Hillel event commemorating Kristallnacht Nov. 9.
Fossil Free WashU disrupted Chancellor Martin’s discussion with parents during a Parent & Family Weekend event, Nov 2.
The Sexual Assault and Rape Anonymous Helpline at Washington University capped off Domestic Violence Awareness Month with a panel centered on issues of interpersonal violence in marginalized communities, Oct. 30.
Reflections, a body positivity and eating disorder awareness student group, began their Love Your Body Week with a series of panels, discussions and other events Oct. 28.
The African Students Association will host “From Tunis to Cape Town,” the 12th annual Africa Week, Oct. 27-Nov. 2, furthering the organization’s commitment to representing the entire African continent.
Stay up to date with everything happening at Washington University and beyond.