Now Hear This!
Hadag Nachash
Israeli hip-hop group Hadag Nachash will be performing at The Pageant on Tuesday, March 6 at 8 p.m.
- Where
- The Pageant
- When
- Tuesday, March 6, 8:00 p.m.
- Price
- $18 (free with Wash. U. ID)
On Tuesday, Hadag Nachash will arrive all the way from Israel to play a free concert at The Pageant. Although you may not have heard of them, Hadag Nachash—which literally means “The Snake Fish” in Hebrew—is one of the most popular, well-known bands in Israel. Hailing from Jerusalem, Hadag Nachash are hip-hop oriented but also combines rock, reggae and funk in their music.
If you’re wondering what you would do at an Israeli band’s concert when you don’t speak or understand Hebrew, do not fear. Not only does the band have cool beats to dance to, but also some of their songs include English. The band’s most recent album, “6,” came out in 2010. It includes a number of catchy songs, many of which combine both Hebrew and English lyrics with their usual strong messages against war and in hopes of peace. Spreading the scope of their music, Hadag Nachash even re-recorded one of their songs, “Lo Maspik,” in “Simlish” (“The Sims” language), and it is featured on the “The Sims 3.”
A number of student groups, including Wash U Students for Israel, Jewish Student Union, J Street U, Chabad Student Association, Student Union and St. Louis Hillel at Washington University, are bringing the band to St. Louis. Staam, WU-SLam, the Carnaval West African dance, and WUStyle Step Team will open for the Israeli hip-hop band.
“Hadag Nachash is one of the most popular Israeli hip-hop groups,” Adina Allen, president of Wash U Students for Israel, said. “We decided to bring them to campus because we felt that through their music and their performance they would be able to give students at Wash. U. a better sense of Israeli culture.”
Doors open at 7:30 p.m. and the show starts at 8 p.m. The show is free for Wash. U. students with a valid ID and $18 for community members.