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Weekly SU Senate meeting includes updates from WUPD

The Washington University Police Department (WUPD) Chief of Police Angela Coonce presented for the Student Union (SU) Senate on Tuesday, Feb. 14, giving an overview of WUPD procedural practices and upcoming projects. 

and | Senior News Editor, Staff Writer

Americanist scholars discuss progressive activism in St. Louis

The University’s American Culture Studies program hosted an Americanist Dinner Forum on Zoom titled “Introducing ‘Left in the Midwest: St. Louis Progressive Activism in the 1960s and 1970s.’”

| Staff Writer

International students’ attitudes toward masking: individual choice versus cultural upbringing

In the U.S., there is a common perception that individuals from collectivist cultures, or cultures that value the interests and the importance of the community over those of each individual, are more inclined to wear masks.

| Staff Writer

Discussion about shared humanity and North Sentinel Island

Benjamin Hoffmann, associate professor of French from Ohio State University, discussed his recent novel, “L’Île de la Sentinelle,” that celebrates the utopian values of a shared humanity anchored to the destiny of the North Sentinel Island and its people, the Sentinelles, Nov. 10.

| Staff Writer

University hosts lecture on Western portrayals of China and the dragon

The Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures hosted a lecture by Dr. Ariane Knüsel, a scholar who researches Sino-Western relations in the contemporary setting, last Saturday, Nov. 5. 

| Staff Writer

Pro-Choice Panel advocates for engagement in promoting reproductive freedom

In the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision that overturned Roe v. Wade, a panel of specialists and social workers from activist organizations, including Pro-Choice Missouri and Medical Students For Choice (MSFC), explored the implications of Missouri’s ban on abortion rights for state residents on Oct. 24.

| Contributing Writer

University hosts the opening of the Holocaust exhibition Lest We Forget

The Sam Fox Art School and the Kemper Art Museum jointly hosted the opening of the Holocaust memorial exhibition “Lest We Forget” by Italian-German photographer Luigi Toscano, Oct. 20.

| Contributing Author

Dr. Jane Goodall spreads vision of hope at lecture

Jane Goodall, world-renowned primatologist, anthropologist, and environmental activist, spoke at Graham Chapel last Sunday, Oct. 9, reflecting on defining moments of her career and motivating students to bring positive change to the world throughout their everyday life.

and | Contributing Writer and Junior Editor

New technology used for fall Career Fair

The annual Internship & Job Career Fair returned to its pre-COVID operations last Thursday, with the addition of new employment options due to the implementation of Handshake and the Career Center’s expansion efforts.

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