Posts Tagged ‘Singin in the Rain’

Gleecap: The Substitue

Wednesday, November 17th, 2010 | Steph Spera

Despite Will Shuester being the worst character on television, last night’s episode of Glee was actually enjoyable. It was probably because in this episode, “The Substitute,” Will actually didn’t have to teach anything.

But, last night’s episode contained less musical numbers than usual, and that meant all of them were good. And Gwyneth Patlrow’s take on both “Forget You” and Mary Todd Lincoln – Emmy Award for Outstanding Actress in a Comedy? In the words of Artie, “hells to the yes.”
I’m actually not sure if he has said that, but I am sure he would.
Miss Mary Todd Lincoln

Baby glee club members!
Artie’s ghetto-fabulousness
The return of Darren Criss as Blaine, and our favorite Vogue magazine cover
Animal Hoarders
Sue’s latest dig on Shue’s hair
Brittany learning the second half of the alphabet.

William Schuester
The return of Terri
The “sick-baby game”

And lastly, I now present the best mash-up in Glee history.
Umbrella/Singin’ In The Rain
The better bring that waterfall with them to sectionals.