Freshmen look to Student Union for campus improvements

Eva Richardson

As freshmen arrived on campus, many already had expectations for Washington University’s Student Union, ranging from Internet concerns to interest in fun events.

Students repeatedly mentioned the topic of Internet service as a major concern.

Skyler Wills, a freshman from Omaha, Neb., voiced his desire for reliable Wi-fi in the dorms.

“I want better prices for the Internet [Wash. U.] talked about,” said Landon Palakof, a freshman from Pepper Pike, Ohio. “First semester is cheaper, but [I] want to know if they could secure that price for second semester as well.”

According to Marius Johnson, a junior and treasurer of SU, there will be Wi-fi in every dorm this year, unlike years in the past.

In regard to the price of Internet, Johnson hopes to have tuition include that fee, as well as membership to the South 40 fitness center, in the future so, “students aren’t nickel and dimed.”

Student Union is Wash. U.’s undergraduate student government association. Under the leadership of President Neil Patel, this organization is in charge of representing student interests, funding student activities and planning events on campus.

Although some freshmen said that they had not been on campus long enough to form an opinion, others already saw the need for change in certain areas.

“I feel like there needs to be more of a political balance on campus.with more room for political discussion,” said Kristen Schleitler-Ring, a freshman from Chesterfield, Mo., who took part in the Student Union Pre-Orientation program.

In addition, she advocated a larger South 40 fitness center.

“I hope to see fun orientation stuff to get to know people,” said Ryan Tkach, a freshman from Springfield, Ill.

Kara Hendrickson, a freshman from Champaign, Ill., feels similarly and wants Student Union to provide exciting activities so she can meet many new people during freshman orientation.

One general goal of Student Union is, “to be out where students can see us, to see where Student Union’s efforts are,” said Johnson.

He also hopes that, “people know [they] are available to advocate for student interests on campus.”

Other plans currently being discussed by SU are a Web site through which student groups can sell products and better fitness hours for the athletic complex.

It will also hold elections in about two months in order to potentially change the infrastructure of SU so that there will be a president and five vice presidents.

According to Johnson, SU is working on a speaker series to enhance the atmosphere on campus for students.

This series may feature guests including astronauts, Mexican political diplomats and more.

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