So you think you’re a baller?

Justin Davidson

For those of you interested in sports, being active, or just finding an outlet to make a bunch of new friends while having a great time, club or intramural sports may be the way to go. From sports as physically demanding as ultimate Frisbee, flag football, and basketball to more leisurely ones such as billiards and bowling, to the more outlandish “sports” like arm wrestling and euchre (yes, euchre, the classic card game), there’s a little bit of everything for everyone.

If you’re the more serious athlete hankering for some competition and want to be actively involved playing in your favorite sport, club sports might be a good fit for you. Or for those of you who just enjoy playing sports with your friends and floormates in a less competitive game or for those who don’t have the time to put into playing on a club team, IM might be the best option.

Whichever you want to do, getting involved in club or IM sports is pretty easy. For those with the craving for club action, be sure to attend the Student Activities Fair on Wed., September 7th to sign up with club teams. Most teams don’t have tryouts, so as long as you are willing to be a dedicated member of the team and attend practices, being a part of the club team of your choice is well within your grasp.

Some of the most popular club teams include the men’s and women’s ultimate Frisbee teams, men’s and women’s soccer teams, and the tennis teams, though there are more options for club sports than just those sports. Club athletes can expect to have practices two to three times a week for a few hours each practice, and have the opportunity to compete in games and tournaments against other schools from around the country.

Getting involved with IM sports will be one of the easiest things you will encounter during your time at WU. All you have to do to get a team together is go to the Athletic Complex, located near Big Bend Boulevard and Snow Way Drive, just past Fraternity Row, and pick up an entry form at the IM office on the second floor. Get some of your friends to sign up, and you’re set. Return the entry form to the IM office before the season starts with emergency health cards for each player, and you and your friends will be on the field playing another team once a week for the chance at winning the highly coveted IM Champion T-shirts.

If you want to get your floor together for a team, talk to your RA. He or she will most likely be more than happy to organize a team. For most sports there are both men’s and women’s teams, as well as co-ed teams that you can participate in. There’s really no better activity to do with your entire floor than getting together Saturday afternoon and playing a fun game of flag football, softball, basketball, or whatever sport strikes your fancy.

For a list of all IM and Club sports, visit the IM Web site,

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